Poisoned, held hostage for 163 days and assaulted – The sad story of late Apostle Ntumy and his family in Liberia

The sad story of the late Chairman of the Church of Pentecost, Apostle Dr. Michael Ntumy whilst working in Liberia has been told.

The late Apostle wrote an article about his sad experience in war torn Liberia before his demise. On his 54th birthday, the late Apostle chronicled events leading to him being held hostage and eventually poisoned in Liberia.

He indicates that through his work as a man of God, he suffered many assaults in countries such as Ivory Coast, Liberia and Northern Ghana.

Read the article written by Apostle Ntumy on his 54th birthday

As I ponder and reflect over the course of my life so far, I realize the exceptional grace God has bestowed on me. I am not going to talk about promotion, position, power, achievements and accomplishments. I am going to share with you about troubles, trials and tears, interlaced with amazing triumphs and testimonies resulting in thanksgiving to God. The enemy of our souls forgets that his orchestrations against us rather result to the praise of God in the long run.

In fact, Apostle Paul said that if he had to boast, he would rather boast about his sufferings for the sake of Christ. My catalogue, however, does not come anywhere near that of Apostles.

  1. Been through four wars (Two in Northern Ghana, one each in Liberia and Ivory Coast) Charles Gangay Taylor, Leader of Liberia’s NPFL
  2. Taken hostage for 163 days in the heart of the Nimba Forest in Liberia by Charles Taylor’s NPFL rebels while serving as missionary in that country
  3. Survived three accidents— two on the road, one on the Volta Lake in Ghana. A Vessel On The Volta Lake
    Surely if my life were in my own hands, I would have lost it long ago.
  4. Survived an assassination attempt on my life while serving as the youngest-ever Chairman of The Church of Pentecost.
  5. Survived two food poisoning attempts against me
  6. Tasted hospitalization for 332 days in 2009/2010
  7. Tasting the pains and agonies of paralysis for 1,211 days (to date), moving about in an electric wheelchair.


Come, beloved, praise the LORD with me.

THANK GOD FOR THE GIFT OF MY LIFE. He has upheld me very tenaciously through it all.Crushed, but not destroyed.

Stand with me in prayer as I go through this phase of my life, doing business for the Kingdom of God even through this “out of season” period.

Believe with me that the expected miracle shall take place soon for His glory.

All these could not have happened for nought. God is definitely up to something.


On December 27, 2023, the fourth Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Dr Michael Nutmy passed away at the age of 65.

Having commenced his apostolic journey at a young age, Ntumy lived a dedicated life towards the propagation of Christianity and The Church of Pentecost.

He was born at Dadieso in the Oti Region of Ghana and begun his professional life as a teacher in Yendi in the 1980s before becoming a deacon, and an elder of the church.

He was called to office as an apostle at the age of 33 and begin a journey of traversing various parts of the country and the world to spread the gospel.

As part of his apostolic journey, Dr Ntumy faced various trials in tribulations including wars, sicknesses and accidents that bore testament to his unflinching commitment towards the work of Ghana.

One of such experiences the apostle had was during the Liberian Civil of 1989 to 1997.

Apostle Nutmy who was a pastor in the Buchanan District of Liberia during the time of war became a source of motivation for several Liberians and members of the Buchanan community which was predominantly a Ghanaian community.

In the heat of the war, Apostle Ntumy was taken captive together with his family by the National Patriotic Front Party of Charles Taylor.

The apostle, his wife and children were held in the heart of the Nimba Forest where he was assaulted and poisoned.

Despite his ordeal, a resilient Apostle Ntumy continued to be a source of encouragement for other hostages including members of his church.

Testimonies of Apostle Ntumy’s resilience during the period was shared by members of the Buchanan District Church of Pentecost in 2022.

Elder John Baidoo, presiding elder at the now Prayer Tower Assembly, the central chapel of the Buchanan district, where Apostle Ntumy used to fellowship, testified about the impact Apostle Ntumy had on the members of the church in the district.

“According to the elders I met, Apostle Ntumy laid his life down for most of the members here. He [Apostle Ntumy] came back three years ago and encouraged us.

“I remember the sermon he preached: ‘When I saw him I held fast to him but I now leave him.’ That sermon brought revival to the church here in Liberia. The sermon topic is now on everyone’s lips. Our father’s presence in Buchanan has really lifted the church high.”

A community leader amongst the fisherfolks and an elder of the church, Elder Joseph Kwame Persewaa also said: “If Apostle Ntumy was with us here now, we would have carried him up high on our shoulders. This is because spiritually he really worked. It is because of Apostle Ntumy’s works that we had confidence and courage to remain in the church. His lifestyle drew many to the church.”

He added: “I was present at Flamingo (the camp of no return) during the war when Apostle Ntumy prophesied that no one would die, and indeed non-members of The Church of Pentecost saw the hand and power of God and got converted.”

The Area Head for Buchanan Area and National Secretary of the Church in Liberia, Apostle Quie G. Toe, was full of praise for Apostle Ntumy. According to him, the successes and achievements of the Area were a result of the selfless leadership of Apostle Ntumy during his days in Liberia.

“Before every fishing season, Apostle Ntumy would gather members of the church who are fisherfolks and pray with them. This led to the introduction of a prayer and fasting programme that helped the fisherfolks to experience bumper harvests.

“This prayer programme has come to stay. The leadership of the church supports the Ghanaian fisherfolks to organise this prayer programme at the beginning of every fishing season,” he added.

Throughout his apostolic career, the late Apostle Ntumy served as the Missionary of The Church of Pentecost to Liberia, Ivory Coast, France/Switzerland, from 1988-1998.

His tenure as chairperson of the church commenced in 1998 and ended in 2008 after two terms (ten years).

On his 54th birthday, Apostle Ntumy wrote an article in which talked about all the trials he had been through and how and how his faith in the lord saved him



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