NDC PC kneels during live show, begs MP, Egyper Mercer to fix Sekondi problems

Sekondi constituency parliamentary candidate for the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Lawyer Nyameke Blay, has appealed to the Member of Parliament for Sekondi, Lawyer Andrew Egyapa Mercer to look back at his people and find solutions to some challenges confronting them.

Emotional Lawyer Blay Armah went down on his knees whilst interacting with the Host of Connect FM’s Omanbapa Morning Show, Nhyiraba Paa Kwesi Simpson to beg Lawyer Andrew Egyapa Mercer.

He indicated that the constituency is currently facing many challenges which needs the intervention of the MP. He mention that homes of residents are currently being flooded due to the frequent heavy downpour whilst traders in the constituency are suffering as a result of dilapidated roofing of the main market.

“I’m kneeling down in your studio to beg my member of parliament, Andrew Egyapa Mercer, the constituents need his intervention. Drains are choked and flooding is taking over the constituency. There is a community known as Egyiramuabekam in the constituency, a toilet project has been abandoned for the past three years and residents do not have a place of convenience as I speak. The only option I have is to beg him to come down and intervene for his people. He was voted to serve and that he should make Sekondi his priority”, he indicated.

Lawyer Blay Armah recently hired two excavators to clear choked drains at Essaman, a flood prone community in the constituency. According to him, the community did not experience flood in yesterday’s heavy downpour.

According to him, he has cancelled his flight to monitor a promise made by the Sekondi Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly to fix the Sekondi Market before the month of June ends.

“The assembly has promised to fix the market before the month of June ends. I have canceled my flight to monitor if they will fulfil the promise. The traders are suffering due to the dilapidated roofing of the market and we cannot look on unconcerned. The rain season has even made the situation worse”, he added.

The Parliamentary candidate was recently blocked by the authorities of the Sekondi Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly after he attempted to fix the dilapidated roofing of the Sekondi Market.

The Assembly indicated that it had plans of building a new market, and fixing the current one will be waste of money.

The assembly later sent some officers to ascertain the extent of damage in the market. They have since promised to find temporal solutions before the month of June ends.

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