Leading member of NDC, Araba Tagoe is dead

Araba Tagoe, a leading member of the National Democratic Congress has been reported dead. It is unknown what caused her death but many have indicated that the stalwart has been ill for some time now.

Confirming the news, western region communications director of the National Democratic Congress, Mr. Richard Kirk Mensah indicated that the news is a big blow to the party.

“Auntie Araba Tagoe National executive Committee member (NEC member) of The National Democratic Congress has kicked the bucket. Very sad and a big blow to the NDC,” he indicated.

Auntie Araba Tagoe as she is affectionately called served as the women organizer for the NDC in the Western region for many years. She retired from the position and contested as a national executive member of the party. She was still serving as a NEC member before her sad demise.

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