Inside secret unveiled: How Bekwai MCE’s daughter was gruesomely murdered at her home

Residents of Bebu, a community in the Atwima Kwanwoma District of the Ashanti Region woke up to a sad news of the daughter of their MCE being murdered in her matrimonial home.

The MCE for Bekwai, Kwaku Kyei Baffour is said to have given his daughter out for marriage and she has since been living with her husband.

On Thursday, her husband placed a call on her to return home early and cook dinner for him. It is currently unknown what happened but her husband returned home to meet the lifeless body of his wife. Unfortunately, there were no gunshot or weapons found on her.

Her husband returned home and realized their door lock had been tempered with. They mostly do not leave their doors opened even if they are home and so it was surprising that her wife was home and the door was still locked. He started looking for her but unfortunately found her dead with her neck twisted in a bizarre manner.

Assembly member for the area, Boakye Ansah indicated that the situation has left many in in a state of dismay. He says the community is unknown to such incidences and as such calls on the police to conduct serious investigations into circumstances leading to the murder.

“This happened yesterday evening and from my committee members’ account, a lady has been murdered, the husband said he told his wife to come home early and prepare dinner and when he returned around 7 pm, he realized that the handle of the main door to their house has been broken and that was strange because they always lock the door even when they are home,’ the assembly member indicated.

He adds that no weapons or trace of violence were found in the house when the husband of the deceased returned. He believes further investigations by the police will unravel more details surrounding the incident.

“The husband began calling out his wife’s name but there wasn’t any response he searched for the wife and saw that she had been murdered at one of the exits of the house but per the account of eyewitnesses, there was no weapon wound or sharp cut but this is a layman’s view but an autopsy report should be able to determine what led to her murder,” he added

The police have officially began investigations into the crime. It is believed that perpetrators of the crime will soon be apprehended.

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