Cecilia Dapaah’s $1M Saga: How she sacked her driver for being a whistleblower

Fresh updates keep emerging about the missing Cecilia Dapaah money saga as the days go by. Reports indicate that the driver of the former Minister, Cecilia Dapaah was sacked after he detected the moves of the house helps in their attempt to steal the money.

Hannah Fosua, the wife of Cecilia Dapaah’s ex-driver told Adom FM in an interview that her husband was sacked as a result of being a whistleblower.

She indicates that her husband informed the minister to be careful of the house helps since their moves were questionable. Instead of Cecilia Dapaah to act, she instead relieved the driver of his position.

She indicates that even though he had worked for her for 13 years as a driver, the minister paid him off by sacking him without compensation.

“As a driver, he worked for her for 13 years; 13 good years. It’s been almost a year since he was sacked from his job. If the woman claims I am lying, they should call me. When he was sacked, he was not given even GH¢1 coin as compensation,” she said.

Giving more details about the kind of working relationship the former minister had with her husband, Madam Fosua explained that she cared less about her husband’s safety.

“She used to travel all over the country with him. At times, he could arrive in Accra at 2 am. But she didn’t care how he got home. It is God who protected him,” she noted

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