Athletic schools in the UK offering scholarships for International Students

Athletes all over the world provide special skills which tend to entertain millions of spectators on the globe.

It is mostly rumoured that athletics quit schools at early age to concentrate on their skills. There are however many schools where different sporting disciplines are taught to enable sportsmen get abreast to all courses related to their areas of study.

There are many scholarships available for athletes and other sportsmen across the world. In the UK, these scholarships are offered in universities to serve as motivation for all interested sports persons. Below are some scholarships in UK designed to suit athletics for international students.

– University of Nottingham: The University of Nottingham is offering applications for the Foundation Sports Scholarship. The funding opportunity is open for national and international high-achieving athletes in any sport. Selected winners will receive a scholarship value of £2,500.

– University of Strathclyde: The University of Strathclyde is launching Postgraduate Taught Performance Sport Scholarships to assist students in fulfilling both academic and sports potentials. All the participants of this program will be provided with academic flexibility, world-class sports science and medical support and financial assistance towards training and competition costs.

– University of Stirling: The University of Stirling provides the ideal environment for talented athletes to develop and flourish in their chosen sport, providing expert support and a comprehensive collection of world-class facilities set on their scenic campus.

– University of Wolverhampton: The University of Wolverhampton offers three athlete scholar packages – Bronze, Silver and Gold, financial awards that are offered based on the level the applicant is competing in.

– Newcastle University: Newcastle University consistently places itself in the top 10 in BUCS. The performance sports program at Newcastle University offers multiple sports scholarships and funding for student-athletes enrolled at the university, including disability sports scholarships.

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