You’ve been pampered for too long – Angry NPP members destroy Alan’s posters from Party office

It appears some members of the New Patriotic Party are unhappy with the decision by Mr. Alan Kojo Kyerematen to run as an independent candidate in the 2024 election.

Some angry members of the elephant family have taken to the offices of the party in videos that have since gone viral destroying posters of the former Trade and Industry Minister from the walls of the party offices.

They believe if Mr. Alan Kyerematen is no more a member of the NPP, his posters have no place on their walls.

Mr Alan Kyerematen announced his decision to resign from the New Patriotic Party and run as an independent candidate in the 2024 election.

He indicated that the NPP has been hijacked by a few people who do not want to allow others to lead. He added that the just ended primaries of the party was intentionally skewed to favour a certain candidate.

He believes running as an independent candidate will enable him to execute his agenda for Ghana. Whilst many are happy about the move, others who are members of the NPP have expressed their anger. They believe the posters of Alan can no longer be kept at the party offices.

“You cannot take such a unreasonable decision, and your posters will remain here,” an angry NPP member was heard speaking as he removes the posters from the walls.

Another member of the NPP behind the camera is heard offering vocal support for the removal effort, repeatedly urging, “Remove them, remove them. Your posters cannot be pasted in our party office. You are not the one who rented the house for us.” He added.

Another aggrieved member is heard adding: “We have pampered you for a long time. You can’t come and destroy the party for us. You have enjoyed from the party, and now that you have realized that they are not good people…”

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