You’ll never have peace: Speaker Bagbin blows alarm over Gyakye Quayson prosecution

Ghana’s speaker of parliament, Mr. Alban  Bagbin has expressed his reservations about the criminal prosecution of Assin North Member of Parliament, James Gyakye Quayson ongoing at the court.

In a recent tour at Media General, Mr. Alban Bagbin indicated that it seems selective justice is at play in Gyakye Quayosn’s case. According to him, there are many others with similar offenses but only Gyakye Quayson is being prosecuted.

“The same thing I complained about, they are still chasing after him, and trying to prosecute him, even in that respect that they are talking about there are many more of us who have the same thing but they are not being prosecuted. That is the country we are in. Once we have selective justice you will never have peace, no peace without justice.” He indicated.

The Supreme Court in a judgment nullified the election of Mr. Gyakye Quayson paving way for a by-election which he was re-elected. He is now facing charges of perjury and deceiving a public officer.

On Thursday, the Supreme Court adjourned the criminal trial until July 4 to allow Gyakye Quayson’s legal team to file a motion for a stay of proceedings pending appeal at the Court of Appeal. Gyakye Quayson is currently appealing a High Court ruling that his criminal case should be heard on a daily basis.

The ruling, delivered by Justice Mary Yanzuh on June 23, 2023 denied the application by Gyakye Quayson’s lawyers to vary the hearing schedule.

Consequently, the MP-elect would have to appear in court daily from July 4, irrespective of his status as a lawmaker. Gyakye Quayson argues that this ruling violates his right to a fair trial.

The case of Gyakye Quayson has drawn attention to the issue of selective justice in Ghana’s legal system.

The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, has highlighted the need for a more consistent approach in such matters to ensure fairness and ultimately maintain peace in the country.


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