You’ll be banned for using the services of middlemen to secure Schengen visa – Anne Sophie cautions

Many Ghanaians are known for securing services of middlemen in securing Visas for greener pastures. Many of these middlemen tend to swindle their supposed customers, there have been several instances where individuals after spending several hundreds of money are bounced by the immigration for having fake travelling documents.

Former French Ambassador to Ghana Anne Sophie Ave has cautioned individuals seeking to travel to any of the Schengen countries to desist from engaging middle men in the processes of securing visas. According to her, such middlemen must rather be reported to the police for indulging in illegal acts.

“I hear some people still pay crooks to get visas. Anyone asking for money and pretending he can help you get a visa is a crook. Do not reply. Report to the police,” Anne Sophie Ave warned.

She added; “Do not use their services, you will be denied 100 percent and possibly banned from all 27 countries.” She indicated on X formerly twitter

A middleman is someone who claims to have connections or influence with embassy officials and offers to assist with the visa application process for a fee.

However, using a middleman to secure a visa is not only risky but is considered as visa fraud and could hamper one’s chances of securing a valid visa in the future.

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