Career opportunities for adult care professionals in Europe

Europe has a wide range of opportunities for adult care professionals. It remains one of the professions on a high demand since many of the population are aging. Most migrants take advantage of the situation and learn courses that can provide them the opportunities of working as Social Care Workers. There are many who have … Read more

Europe: Universities offering courses in Adult Social Care

The demand for Social Care Workers is gradually becoming a high demand in Europe. Many workers are being demanded to go through various courses to master in Adult Social Care to be able to have a Stabel employment in Europe. There are many Universities and Colleges offering different courses for students interested in adult Social … Read more

Countries offering free education and work permits for International students

Countries offering free education and work permits for International students

There are many countries in the world offering free education for international students. These countries have implemented free education policies with funding. They also allow interested international students to work whilst pursuing their dreams. Depending on the continent of the International student, there are packages available for them in the list of countries and schools … Read more

Countries in Europe offering free education and work permits for Africa Students

Countries in Europe offering free education and work permits for Africa Students

Many African students are unable to pursue higher education in developed countries especially in Europe due to lack of financial support. Many have had dead dreams due to high cost of tuition fees existing in many European countries. Apart from the high tuition, many students from Africa are not allowed to work many hours whilst … Read more

Scholarships for African women in Europe – 2024

Scholarships for African women in Europe – 2024

Many communities in Africa have limits for women in terms of education. Most traditions believes women must marry and give birth instead of enduring many years of education. There are however many African ladies who are willing to pursue higher education but lack of financial support is preventing them from achieving their dreams. The good … Read more

Cheap Military Schools in Europe for International Students

Cheap Military Schools in Europe for International Students

There is good news for all international student who want to be part of the military and other security agencies in Europe. There are currently many schools in Europe where military personnel are trained at free of charge, those living in other parts of the world have advantage to benefit from these scholarships. All international … Read more

Relocate to Europe without Visa from Africa/Ghana – Read these simple steps

Relocate to Europe without Visa from Africa/Ghana – Read these simple steps

Traveling to Europe without a visa from Africa depends on your nationality and the specific rules and agreements in place between your country and the European countries you plan to visit. Many African citizens do require a visa to enter the Schengen Area and other European countries. However, there are a few options you can … Read more