Security man shot dead in another filling station robbery

Another robbery at a filling station in Koforidua in the Eastern Region of Ghana has left at least one person dead. Report indicates that the incident happened on Monday, October 30, 2023.

Report by United Television from the area indicates that the security officer at the station in an attempt to flee the scene was shot by the armed robbers. Others include the manager of the station who was caught by some of the bullets and broken glasses from the shootout at the station.

“The security man was trying to hide as the robbers were pointing guns at the fuel attendants but they saw him and shot him.

“… the manager also raised his curtains to see what was happening outside and was shot at by the robbers. Some of the bullets hit his head and the broken glasses from the shooting also injured him,” Michael Akrofi, a UTV report, reported.

He indicated that the security man died while he was being treated in the Koforidua Government Hospital. The supervisor, however, is still undergoing treatment.

The report showed a scene from the filling station where the robbery attack took place. A lot of blood stains could also be seen at some parts of the station.

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