Scholarships in USA for International students

Many students from Africa and other parts of the world are looking for opportunities to study in the United States of America.

The high tuition fees in some universities in the USA has prevented many from making applications to study.

There are however Universities in the USA where tuition free scholarships are offered for interested international students.

Interested students can look out for the schools listed below to grab their scholarships when portals are opened.

– AMA Minority Scholars Award: Medical scholarships for underrepresented students studying medicine in the U.S.
– Edith SeVille Coale Scholarships: Scholarships for women in their third year of medical school studying in the U.S.
– Tylenol Future Care Scholarship: 10 awards of $10,000 and 30 awards of $5,000 are available for students seeking careers in healthcare.
– United Health Foundation/NMF Diverse Medical Scholars Program: 32 awards of $10,000 are available to medical students who identify with a minority group, are U.S. citizens, and are currently enrolled in medical school.
– The Recovery Village Health Care Scholarship: A $1,000 award is available for a U.S. student or permanent resident who is pursuing a medical-related program.

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