Otumfour destools 3 chiefs in a fortnight

The overlord of the Ashanti Kingdom Otumfour Osei Tutu II has within the space of two weeks destooled three chiefs from different communities in the Ashanti region of Ghana.

The situation has gotten many residents wondering what could be happening in the kingdom. The latest chief to lose his seat is the Abuotemhene, Nana Kwaku Duah III.

The Ashanti King destooled the chief on Monday, August 21, 2023, over allegations of illegal land sale. The latest destoolment brings in a total of three chiefs who have been found guilty of various offenses in a period of two weeks.

The Chief of Adumoa in the Afigya Kwabre District, Nana Osei Tiri Ababio, and the Chief of Bekwai-Abodom, Nana Saforo Koto, also lost their stools earlier in the same month whilst Nana Nketia Boampong II, the Chief of Kwaso, a town in the Ejisu-Juaben Municipality was destooled in June this year.

The Asantehene in May destooled the Chief of Antoa, a popular town in Asanteman, Nana Kwame Owusu Agyeman, was also destooled for violating customary procedures and multiple sales of lands.
The situation is mainly due to the multiple sales of land by the chiefs involved.

They could not provide any reasons when they were summoned before the Asanteman Traditional Council. Some residents in the Ashanti region have indicated that the Asantehene is not just an ordinary chief who can be defamed. They believe the actions taken against the chiefs involved is in order.
“You can’t defame his Royal Majesty by your bad deeds. Whoever fails to act according to customs must be shown the exit. The rest of the greedy ones should learn to desist from acts of this nature,” said a resident who only gave his name as Daniel.

The Asantehene has emphasized his resolve to get rid of chiefs who allow illegal mining to thrive in their areas. There are expectations of more chiefs being destooled for failing in their leadership roles.

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