God has ordained Mahama’s return to rescue Ghana from suffering – Opambour

The leader and founder of the Ebenezer Miracle Worship Centre, Pastor Ebenezer Adarkwa Yiadom has indicated that John Dramani Mahama has been ordained to be the next president of Ghana.

He indicates that the current economic hardships among Ghanaians requires the intervention of the former President, John Dramani Mahama.

Speaking at a session in his church attended by the former President, he indicated that the return of John Mahama is to rescue the country from its current struggles.

He said during a session attended by the former president and an entourage last week that among others, “God has ordained his return, to rescue Ghana from the abyss, from the suffering and stress. God asked him to return to deliver Ghana. I am fearless saying Mahama is coming back and I am proclaiming same publicly, I could have told it to my wife privately.

“I said it on public radio because it was godsent and no one can change that…. He is the incoming president, no need to be misled by money,” he cautionend party members tasked with protecting the National Democratic Congress (NDC) interest during the 2024 polls.

He further stated that the NDC will need to be alert and work hard to avert the will of God being thwarted through rigging.

“Let everyone be vigilant, dedicated and courageous and put in hard work to let the Lord’s view manifest because whatever it is, the Mahama presidency is unstoppable,” he added.

Mahama visited Opambuor before starting a three-day tour of the Ashanti Region where he held a massive walk on the 24-hour economy policy he has floated. He also met with a number of stakeholders and traditional leaders during his tour.

About the 2024 presidential race:

The 2024 presidential race will be Mahama’s fourth straight jab at the seat.

Mahama’s loss in 2016 against Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo ended with his concession of defeat and even though he contested the 2020 loss in court, the party relied on multiple results by the Electoral Commission and did not file any base documents (pink sheets).

In the 2024 vote, he will come up against Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia and other candidates in the race to succeed Akufo-Addo.


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