Ghana water disconnects Takoradi library Complex over 2k debt

The Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) has cut off water supply to the Takoradi Library Complex for failing to pay bills for some months.

The GH5.1m donor funded public library and office complex is to address the educational and entrepreneurial needs of the people of the Western Region.

Some offices in the library complex have since been rented out with the Sekondi Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly being directly in charge of the revenue accrued.

Many companies including government institutions currently operate from offices in the library. It however came as a surprise after news broke that officials of the Ghana Water Company have disconnected water supply at the facility over debt.

Confirming the news, Nana Yaw Barnie, the Western Region Communications Director of the Ghana Water Company told Nhyiraba Paa Kwesi Simpson, the host of Connect FM’s Omanbapa Morning Show that the facility has been owing them for some time now.

“We finance our operations through the bills we collect from our customers so if they refuse to pay, it becomes a worry to us. The Takoradi Library Complex has been owing us for over two months, we went there and met the authorities. They assured us it would be paid but they failed so we went ahead to disconnect them,” he indicated.

He adds that the facility currently owes them an amount of GHC 2,252. “This bill excludes September and we can only reconnect them after they have paid the full outstanding bill. We have also disconnected a popular hotel in Takoradi owing us over Ghc18, 000 and we shall cut more off,” he added.

Many have expressed shock over the development. They are at a loss on why handlers of the library complex are unable to pay water bills after renting out the facility to institutions.

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