Court convicts NPP thugs who invaded UTV

An Achimota Magistrate Court has today convicted all the sixteen members of the New Patriotic party who Invaded United Television to disrupt a live show. The convicts have since been made to pay GHC 2,400 each as fines for their crimes.

The court charged the convicts with conspiracy to commit crime and rioting. They all pleaded guilty to the charges and that assisted the court to finish the case on time.

The young men who have since been described as thugs on October 7, 2023 invaded the studios of United Television whilst panelists were discussing topics on the United Showbiz program.

According to the men, they were at the studio to register their anger against management of the station for being bias to the NPP. They believe panelists on the show have been carefully selected to bash government.

The young men indicated that they wanted a representation for the NPP on the show to ensure a balanced discussion.  Since their entry to the facility was unlawful, the police was invited to pick them up for questioning.

The top hierarchy of the NPP have since rendered apology to the management of the station.









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