Bugri Naabu came to lie to the committee – COP Alex Mensah

One of the Police officers at the center of the alleged plot to oust the IGP, COP George Alex Mensah has cast doubts over the authenticity of the leaked Audio tape under probe by the 7 member bi-partisan committee.

He told the committee that even though he had discussions with Chief Bugri Naabu, the audio tape in the public domain is doctored. The content of the tape was authenticated by the first witness, Bugri Naabu on Monday. Here are excerpts of the committee hearing

“I had a meeting with Bugri Naabu but what is in that tape is an edited version of the meeting we had. I told you I needed to have the tape and scrutinize it days before appearing before then committee but as I sit here, I cannot tell you wholly what happened at the meeting”,

He adds that Bugri Naabu appeared to the committee to lie about the meeting they had.

“I made those comments. I said in elections there are always some mafia work. During elections if you don’t provide the needed security to make people to come and vote peacefully and allow people to come and snatch boxes in your strongholds then you are heading to opposition”, he added.


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