3 Times Kennedy Agyapong Tormented Dr Bawumia’s Life In 2023

In terms of his political career, 2023 was one of the finest for the Member of Parliament for Assin Central in the Central Region of the nation. The prominent businessman ran for the NPP Flagbearer position, however there were several issues raised.

Following the election of super delegates, former Trade Minister Alan Kyerematen withdrew from the ruling party, drawing a battle line between him and Vice President Bawumia.

Let’s take you back to times when Kennedy Agyapong tormented Dr Bawumia in 2023;

1. Ken Agyapong threatens to ‘fight’ Akufo-Addo, Bawumia over attacks on his agents

A presidential hopeful of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Kennedy Agyapong threatened to expose President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia over attacks on his agents in the party’s super delegates congress.

In a viral video, the presidential candidate hopeful was seen angrily speaking on the phone and calling out the president and vice president’s names after his agent was allegedly chased out of a voting centre, threatening to take action against them.

He is heard saying “President Akufo-Addo I will give you a showdown in this country, I swear to God. Vice President, I will give you a showdown for chasing my agent away. I swear to God. You will hear what will happen here. I swear to God I will challenge President Akufo-Addo big time.”

2. ‘I will give Bawumia and his campaign team a bombshell if they continue with religious and tribal campaign’ – Ken Agyapong

September 30, 2023, the Member of Parliament for Assin Central Kennedy Ohene Agyapong said he would give Dr Mahamudu Bawumia and his campaign team a “bombshell if they continue with their religious and tribal campaign.”

Kennedy Agyapong, who was also a flagbearer aspirant of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), accused some elements within the NPP of attempting to offer him a bribe to step down for the Vice President ahead of the party’s presidential primary.

He stated that after declining the offer, they allegedly promised to make him the running mate to Dr. Bawumia, which he declined.

He described the Ashanti Regional Chairman of the party, Bernard Antwi Boasiako, as a “small boy who lacked manners” for insulting the former Trade and Industry Minister, Alan John Kyerematen, for resigning from the party.

Addressing the NPP supporters after the ‘Showdown Walk’ in Kumasi, the flagbearer hopeful said the resignation of Alan from the NPP would be a sign of the repetition of the party’s 1979 history if he didn’t win the November 4, 2023 primary.

He threatened to give the party a “monumental showdown” if anyone attempted to scheme the process to undermine his chances of becoming the presidential candidate of the NPP.

In what appeared to be a caution to the party leadership, Mr. Agyapong also warned that Alan would be a threat to the fortunes of the ruling party’s quest to break the ‘8’.

3. I’ll Sabotage Bawumia’s Campaign… – Kennedy Agyapong Blows Hot

The Member of Parliament for Assin Central, Honourable Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, cried foul over NPP executives in the North reportedly refusing to allow him to meet delegates in the region.

According to him, the executives were playing foul and bringing division into the party, which had the possibility of jeopardizing their chances of ‘breaking the 8’ in 2024.

He warned that if those antics weren’t stopped, he would sabotage the campaign of Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, on whose behalf he believed the Northern NPP executives were acting.

“Dr Bawumia please check these regional executives they are destroying the party the in those regions. Dr Bawumia cannot win an election without me. If Dr Bawumia wins fairly I will fully support him but if he wins unfairly, I have a mouth, radio and television stations… I will use it to shut the campaign down,” he blustered.

“If you people are supporting Vice President, I don’t have a problem,” he noted angrily to the Savannah regional executives.

Mr Agyapong was not happy about the mistreatment he suffered at the hands of the two regional executives who are supporting the Vice President in a tape that has gone viral on social media.

According to him, if the NPP has to break the eight-year jinx, “we need unity in the party.”

“It looks as if the NPP, we don’t learn, we had 150 seats in parliament, we lost it to the National Democratic Congress (NDC) because of internal wrangling. Why do we say break the eight if there is no unity and all we do [is] to antagonise each other over flagbearership? Those who are not strong to speak will sit aloof but some of us who are strong will talk.”

He recalled his unpleasant incident in the two northern regions: “Something happened when we went to the Northern Region, Chairman Samba asked his constituency executives not to see me. Northern Region the regional executives failed to meet…North East the regional executives failed to meet me. But I can assure you I will pay them back big time.

“Let’s conduct a clean campaign whoever emerges we support him to win,” he concluded.

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