From Parliament to classroom: Muntaka returns to teaching profession

Asewase Member of Parliament, Alhaji Muhammad Mubarak Muntaka has returned to the classroom, many years after abandoning the profession to pursue politics.

The former minority Chief Whip for the minority has served his constituents on the ticket of the National Democratic Congress in the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th parliaments under the fourth republic.
He was however recently replaced after the national leadership of his party changed in the last primaries.

He is now serving as a member of parliament, the situation has created some ease in his schedule, and as such he has taken his teaching profession back.

“I’ve always had this at the back of my mind that someday when I’m done with this job, the best way to share your experiences is to be in the classroom so that you share that with the younger generation of our country,” he indicated.

According to him, after he was stripped off the minority chief whip position, he decided to consult his friends whose assistance got him a job at UPSA.

“So when this thing happened, I have some friends around – I used to be very busy, so now you wake up and you have the whole day to yourself, you don’t know what to do with it. It’s like if you are not in the constituency, you spend the whole time watching TV. I told myself that ‘No, you can’t do that’, I mean with this huge experience, it is important that you try to share it. So graciously, UPSA offered me that opportunity, and for the past three months,” he added.

Mr. Muhammad Mubarak Muntaka adds that he is enjoying the experience and would like to continue for a long time. He believes the decision will impact younger generations.

“I’ve been doing that and I must say that I’m enjoying it. We have seminars where you share your experiences. We have a master class, you are talking about life experiences, how things get done, how things get knocked down, and believe me, it’s such a wonderful thing and I’m enjoying doing that,” he added.

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