Expect a solid evidence from me – COP Alex Mensah on in-camera leaked tape hearing

One of the witnesses in the police leaked tape saga currently being heard by a by-partisan committee in parliament, COP George Alex Mensah has indicated that he has gathered enough evidence to buttress his case before the committee.

The committee has begun in camera hearing after all the witnesses were made to appear on national television over the leaked tape. On the first day of hearing, COP George Alex Mensah was caught up with some journalist before the in camera hearing.

When asked if he was going to give a showdown, he indicated that “I’m not Kennedy Agyapong,” with a burst of long loud laughter from all.

When probed further, COP George Alex Mansah indicated that he would rather prefer to remain silence. “I have told you that I don’t want to speak on it. They’ve not even started yet (receiving evidence). I told you I don’t want to make any comment on this issue… I will insist on it that I am not going to make any comment on this issue,” he tried to rebuff journalists.

Pressed on how comfortable he was with the process so far, he replied: “Very very happy, very very,” before adding that the committee should “expect solid evidence from me, everything is ready.

“I will only tell you that everything is ready and that’s it. The processes, everything is going on well,” he reiterated before confirming that the committee has taken a break and that October 2 is the return date.

Pushed further for his message to Ghanaians, he retorted: “The truth will come out.”


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