Need a Bicycle Accident Lawyer in your Area?

An attorney that focuses on claims involving bicycle accidents is known as a bicycle accident lawyer. Accidents involving bicycles are covered under personal injury legislation. Bicycle accidents may cause a great deal of catastrophic injuries, including fatalities, especially when cars are involved.

The incidence of bicycle accidents has grown as more people opt to go by bicycle rather than by car. Despite the slower speed of a bicycle compared to other moving vehicles, the relative lack of protection that a bicycle rider has can make a bicycle accident more risky and lead to more catastrophic injuries.

A bicycle accident can be caused in a number of ways. A motorized vehicle may run into a cyclist while on the road, or a pedestrian may force a cyclist into oncoming traffic in order to avoid them.

A bicycle accident may also result when an individual rides on a property that where a dangerous condition exists, such as a hidden pothole on a paved bicycle path in a park. In some cases, locations that are maintained by a city or municipality may be liable for dangerous conditions that are not repaired.

The statistics related to bicycle accidents can be alarming. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the Center for Disease Control, and the National Safety Council provide the following statistics:

– There were 677 bicycle accidents in 2011 that resulted in fatalities;
– 69% happened in urban areas;
– 30% happened between 4 pm and 8 pm, the peak time for individuals commuting between home and work, including many bicycle riders;
– Male teenagers suffered the highest rate of accidents for the year with 6,000 bicycle accident-related injuries in 2011;
– In 2010, there were approximately 515,000 visits to the emergency room related to bicycle accidents;
– The cumulative cost of deaths and injuries of cyclists exceeds $4 billion per year;
– In 2012, the most frequent cause of bicycle accidents was cars hitting bicycles.

Why is it Important to Have a Bicycle Accident Attorney?
It is very important to have a bicycle accident attorney helping you with your case. A bicycle accident can cause serious injuries to the cyclist. In many cases, a driver’s insurance company will attempt to settle with you for as little as possible. An attorney can assist you in getting the compensation you deserve.

Need a Bicycle Accident Lawyer in your Area?
If you are an individual who often rides a bicycle for transportation, it is important to know what to do in the event of an accident. If you have an accident, obtain the contact information of the other party as well as any witnesses, if available. If you are injured, seek medical attention as soon as possible. If you can, notate what happened immediately afterwards so you remember important details. If possible, take photographs.

A bicycle attorney can review your case, help determine what compensation may be available to you, and represent you in court, if necessary. An attorney can also negotiate with insurance companies to get you a settlement.

What are Some Other Issues Related to Bicycle Accidents?
If you sustain serious injuries in a bicycle accident, you may want to file a personal injury claim. A personal injury can damage an individual, or plaintiff’s, physical and emotional health. Physical injuries may include injuries to limbs, organs, or other parts of the body. A plaintiff may also suffer from emotional pain and anguish. Injuries sustained in an accident may not appear immediately and may develop over time.

Some accidents are intentional and some are unintentional. Unintentional injuries are usually the result of another individual’s negligence, and a lawsuit can be filed based on negligent behavior. Auto and bicycle accidents are often considered to be negligence cases.

A plaintiff who demonstrates that the defendant is liable for their injuries may be entitled to compensatory damages. These damages are intended to compensate the plaintiff and are usually in the form of money. They may be awarded to cover the plaintiff’s medical expenses and lost wages resulting from their injuries.

What are the Benefits of Hiring a Bike Accident Lawyer?
Bicycle accidents are common and may result in expensive and harmful injuries, even death of the cyclist. If you are involved in a bicycle accident, a bicycle accident lawyer can help you obtain compensation for the harm you have suffered. Your lawyer will also help you preserve your rights in the aftermath of such an accident.

It may be difficult and overwhelming for an ordinary citizen to try and prove their personal injury case. An attorney will be able to present the most convincing evidence in order to obtain compensation for the injuries you suffered. A bicycle accident can be a life-altering event. Having an attorney on your side will help ease the burden and get you on your way to recovery.

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